1. Powering 43.1% of the Web:
    From its humble beginnings as a Content Management System (CMS), WordPress has evolved into a powerhouse, commanding over 40% of the web. Its unparalleled versatility caters to personal blogs, small businesses, and global giants like Sony Music and Forbes.
  2. 70 Million New Posts and 77 Million Comments Monthly:
    A testament to its vibrant community, WordPress witnesses a staggering 2,333,333 new posts daily, creating a dynamic space with 1,620 posts every minute.
  3. Battling 487 Billion Spam Messages Monthly:
    In the war against spam, WordPress confronts a staggering 487 billion spam messages monthly. Akismet, WordPress’s anti-spam tool, heroically thwarts 99.9% of these unwanted intruders.
  4. Dominating Google’s SERP with 2.28 Billion Results:
    WordPress reigns supreme on Google’s search engine results page, amassing a colossal 2.28 billion WordPress-related results.
  5. The Unmatched CMS with a 63.7% Market Share:
    WordPress stands tall as the most used CMS, claiming a significant 63.7% market share, leaving competitors like Shopify trailing with a mere 5.7%.
  6. Global Accessibility in 208 Languages:
    A true global player, WordPress supports 208 languages, with 32 reaching full translation – a testament to its commitment to worldwide accessibility.
  7. A New Top 10 Million Site Every Two Minutes:
    In 2021, WordPress achieved a remarkable feat with a new top 10 million website adopting the platform every two minutes, highlighting its widespread adoption.
  8. Operating with Just Over 2,000 Employees:
    Behind the WordPress phenomenon is Automattic, boasting a modest 2,028 employees working remotely from various corners of the globe.
  9. 27 New Posts Every Second:
    A testament to its dynamic user base, WordPress witnesses users creating approximately 27 new posts every second, showcasing its continuous growth.
  10. English Dominates with 71% of Content:
    English takes the lead, contributing to 71% of all WordPress content, with Spanish following at 4.7% and Indonesian at 2.4%.
  11. Average WordPress Developer Salary: £42,569:
    Payscale.com reveals that the average salary for a WordPress web developer is approximately £42,569.
  12. Over 60,000 Free Plugins:
    The WordPress plugin directory boasts a staggering 60,001 plugins, offering a plethora of solutions for users navigating various challenges.
  13. WordPress 6.1 Downloaded Over 60 Million Times:
    The latest release, WordPress 6.1, has witnessed an impressive 60 million downloads, a testament to its widespread adoption.
  14. 1,134 WordCamps Held to Date:
    WordCamps, initiated by WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg in 2006, have grown into over 1,100 locally-organised conferences covering all things WordPress.
  15. Over Half of WordPress Installations Updated to the Latest Version:
    While WordPress encourages regular updates, only 53% of users have embraced the latest version, highlighting the importance of staying current for security.

Bonus Fact:

  1. Avada – The Most Popular Theme for Over Nine Years:
    The premium WordPress theme Avada has reigned supreme on ThemeForest for over nine years, selling over 845,000 copies at £69 each, making it a perennial favourite among WordPress users.

(Note: Data sourced from digital.com)

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